
会     告
地理科学学会会長 由井義通 



テーマ:Tourism Transformations: Resilient Islands and Revitalized Communities


日 時:20201128日(土)11501730


会 場:広島大学中央図書館ライブラリーホール(東広島市鏡山1-2-2



オーガナイザー: Carolin Funck(広島大学), Rie Usui(広島大学), Alan A. Lew (Northern Arizona University, USA), Joseph M. Cheer(和歌山大学)

趣 旨:

This symposium examines the relationship between tourism and the resilience and revitalization of island environments and island communities.
Islands command a strong position in tourism due to their special environmental and cultural appeal. However, they are also vulnerable due to their isolation from large continental resources and connections. When global and regional economies and social conditions are healthy, tourism tends to be strong and supportive of island-based tourism economies. Under such conditions, island communities may feel a sense of revitalization and strong resilience. But when regional and global conditions are weak, for whatever reason, island tourism economies will often be among the first to suffer, thereby coming to realize their resilience challenges as they seek revitalization.
The COVID-19 pandemic has, in many ways, made the entire planet earth an island of shared challenges. How the planet responds to, and recovers from, this crisis has lessons for how smaller island environments and communities can better manage their limitations and opportunities. This symposium will draw upon examples from Japan and other Asian countries to examine how island tourism and tourism communities have been affected by, responded to, and ultimately been transformed by significant changes – global ones such as the COVID-19 pandemic or local and regional changes. 
The symposium will contribute to the understanding of the multiple links between tourism and islands - how tourism on small islands might adjust to unfolding crises, how tourism can act as a tool for revitalizing small island communities and how small islands should adjust to changing tourism and travel dynamics.


Introduction 11:50-12:00 Dr. Carolin Funck (Hiroshima University, Japan)

Paper Presentation- First session

12:00-12:30 Dr. David Nguyen (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), Japan; Tohoku University, Japan): Ogasawara Islands: Sustainability versus Resiliency

12:30-13:00 Dr. Chin-Cheng (Nickel) Ni (National Tsinghua University, Taiwan): Impact and Resilience of Island Tourism under COVID19 —Lesson Learned from Taiwan Island

13:00-13:30 Dr. Shenglin Chang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan): Could Blockchain technology transform the Lanyu Island tourist industry into resilience for the Tao culture and society?

13:30-14:00 Dr. Rie Usui (Hiroshima University, Japan): Island tourism resilience in the case of wildlife tourism destinations

Comment for the first session 14:00-14:10 Dr. Alan A. Lew (Northern Arizona University, USA)

Short Break 14:10-14:30

Paper Presentation- Second session

14:30-15:00 Andrew McCormick (Hiroshima University, Japan) and Meng (Mo) Qu (Hiroshima University, Japan): Community resourcefulness under pandemic pressure: Japan's island tourism entrepreneurs

15:00-15:30 Yao (Nancy) Ji (Keio University, Japan): Community resiliency in times of crisis: the case of Kamijima

15:30-16:00 Dr. Macia Blazquez Salom (University of the Balearic Islands, Spain): How resilient are insular mono-functional tourism territories? Analysis of the Balearic Islands, Spain

16:00-16:30 Dr. Stroma Cole (University of the West of England, British): Island Tourism and Covid-19: a gender perspective.

Comment for the second session 16:30-16:40 Dr. Joseph M. Cheer (Wakayama University, Japan)

Final Discussion 16:40-17:20 (40 mins)

Closing Remark 17:20-17:30 Dr. Carolin Funck (Hiroshima University)


日 時:20201129日(日)

会 場:広島大学教育学部K201(東広島市鏡山1-1-1









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申し込み方法:一般発表を希望される方は,下記フォーマットをコピー&ペーストして,地理科学学会集会メール([email protected])までお申し込みください。会場での発表を希望される方は,中国地方在住の方に限らせて頂きます。発表申し込みの締め切りは2020109日(金)です。






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